To accommodate more attendees we will be offering two services this Sunday, 16. August 2020. The Early Service will be at 9:oo am and the Late Service at 10:30 am. Please see the information below regarding the two Services:

Early Service (High Risk Worship Service): 9:00am

   • All surfaces will be disinfected before worship

   • Masks must be worn at all times on the NIC property

   • All doors will remain open

   • Hand disinfectant will be applied upon entrance

   • Chairs will be at a 2 meter distance instead of 1.5 meters

   • There will be no singing during the service

   • All windows will remain open throughout the duration of the service

   • All participants will be kindly asked to linger for no more than 15 minutes after worship

   • All other regulations from the NIC Corona-protocol must be followed at all times

   • The Lord’s Supper – there are two options:

        1. EITHER, participants may partake of the bread and wine which has been hygienically prepared by the deacons with the use of gloves and masks…

        2. OR, you may bring your own bread and wine to the service.  However…

             •  The bread must be a common sort of bread – no crackers or wafers

             •  The wine or juice must be from the grape and red in color

             •  Please come 10-15 minutes early and prepare your own bread and wine on the tables in the annex to the worship room.  Please maintain  a 2 meter distance from others as you prepare.  If there is not enough room for you to prepare your portion of the Supper, please wait until a space is opened for you.

             •  Once you have finished preparing your bread and wine/juice, please place your portions under one of the white ceramic bowls provided for you by the NIC on the table in the front of the sanctuary.

NOTE:  Normally, we would all partake of one loaf in order to show unity in the church, but in this case we will symbolize that unity by putting all the elements on one table in a like and consistent manner.

             •   Each family will be asked to come up to come forward and take their bread and wine one at a time.  When one family or individual has returned to their seats the next family or individual will be invited to come forward, remove the ceramic bowl and take their bread and wine/juice back to their seat.

             • Participants of the Lord’s Supper will follow the direction of the deacons, keeping their distance from others as they come to the table of the Lord. After receiving their portion of the Supper they will then return to their seats through the exit of the worship room and back around through the entrance.

Late Service: 10:30am  

• Will follow the same format as the previous Sundays during Corona-virus

• However, windows will be closed during times of singing and opened again directly afterwards.

• The Lord’s Supper:

      •  The bread and wine/juice will be hygienically prepared by our deacons before the service, with the use of gloves and facemasks.

      •  Each individual portions of bread and wine will be placed under a ceramic bowl at the front of the sanctuary.

      •  Families and individuals will be invited to come forward one at a time to receive their portion of the Supper and asked to return to their seats through the exit of the worship room and back around through the entrance.

      •  After all have been served the Lord’s Supper, we will all partake together.

If you plan to attend the NIC this Sunday please let Stephen know which service you will be attending and be sure to have read our updated Corona Virus Protocol. If you would like to worship with us online check out our You Tube channel for a live stream on Sunday morning.